
Die Zukunft der Gemeinschaften

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Wanting to find out more about the future of Insight Communities? Your on-demand webinar on the Future of Communities is available now.

Discover how Nestlé takes a consumer-centric approach; how to leverage the key benefits of communities; how to future-proof your processes in this changing world full of democratised insights; and how to put human centricity and ROI at the heart of your operation.

The pandemic and the associated financial turmoil has accelerated the need for change in the insights process. Research needs to be agile, reliable and affordable. The best solution to these needs is communities, but to fully meet the challenge of 2021, we need to take communities to the next level.

Presented by:

- Ray Poynter, Chief Research Officer at Potentiate

- Ysaline Lannoy, responsible for the Consumer & Shopper Insights at Nestlé.

See the on-demand webinar below:

Slides also available:

Wanting more? Good news! We have a Communities Manifesto for you. Available now: Communities Manifesto - download today. If you would like to know more about how insight communities can help you get closer to your customers and co-create the future, contact us today

On-Demand-Video ansehen

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*Bitte beachten Sie, dass Platform One früher unter dem Namen Potentiate bekannt war.