We’re all impacted in one way or another by the cost-of-living crisis. Here at Platform One, we aim to be part of a solution rather than a source of shame, and are here to help businesses do the same.
We’re all impacted in one way or another by the cost-of-living crisis. Here at Platform One, we aim to be part of a solution rather than a source of shame, and are here to help businesses do the same.
Inspiriert von unseren Mitarbeitern, Kunden und der Welt um uns herum, teilen wir die neuesten Platform One-Nachrichten und Ansichten über menschliche Erfahrungen sowie Expertenmeinungen aus unserer Branche, um Sie auf dem Laufenden zu halten.
Pre-pandemic we switched to reusable and recyclable. Post-pandemic our focus on sustainability has amplified, reflecting the time we had to think during lockdowns and a changed view of the way the world ‘should be’. What we’re not seeing yet, though, is consumers putting their money where their mouth is. Instead there’s a widening “say-do” gap – consumers say they care about sustainability but they don’t do what is needed for sustainability. Informed by omnibus research and our lived experience as researchers, this blog identifies three clear reasons for this gap.