Powering Human Experience

Paul Brock - Zürich Australien

Emma Clark
November 12, 2020
3 minute
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In this Podcast, Ray Poynter (Chief Research Officer at Potentiate) interviews Paul Brock (Customer Experience and Retention Manager at Zurich Life & Investments Australia) about the future of insights, as part of the Powering Human Experience series of interviews being conducted and hosted by Potentiate.

Listen to the interview here:

Podcast Summary

Written by Emma Clark, Account Director

Insurance is personal. Whether it’s supporting bushfire victims or those unemployed in the wake of COVID-19, Paul Brock tells us that “Insight is going to play a big role in making sure we deliver on customer expectations”, now more than ever.

Zurich’s Australian Life & Investments HX Community was set-up in June this year and it is Paul’s wish to drive real innovation from the insight they are collecting. Regulatory changes have certainly posed challenges to the sustainability of financial products, but they have also presented a “golden opportunity” for Zurich to co-create with customers. It is Paul’s hope that their community will help Zurich design products that truly are tailor-made.

Interestingly, it’s the trust Zurich places in the customer to design these products that may ultimately be the key to unlocking engagement and loyalty. With its HX Community, Zurich can demonstrate that trust, by sharing back the actions taken as a result of feedback with their members. By closing the feedback loop, Zurich is honouring customer preferences.

Ever encountered Analysis Paralysis? Listen to Paul chat about how insight is guiding Zurich through the ever-changing personal circumstances of their customers in 2020, how to avoid being tone deaf in communications and how they manage the challenges of working in a lean team.

If Potentiate could wave a magic wand and give Paul three wishes, they would be:

1. The ability to accelerate recruitment of new members
2. To have the HX Community completely embedded culturally within the company
3. To drive real innovation from the insights

Note: this is a summary of a 14-minute interview. Please listen to the full recording to benefit from the thoughts and experiences shared by Paul Brock.

About Paul Brock | Customer Experience and Retention Manager, Zurich Life & Investments Australia


I’ve been working in the insurance industry for close to a decade which feels strange to say as it doesn’t feel that long ago I was applying for my first job. From working across contact centres and operations to analyst roles and most recently in customer experience strategy, I’ve been pretty lucky to learn and experience a lot of different aspects within the business. One thing I can say for certain is that I am passionate about delivering the best experiences possible for our customers which is why I consider myself lucky to be able to get so close to them in running our community. There are always challenges and opportunities to tackle in this space so I love being able to get creative with our customers and keep striving to do things better.

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